Green Bunk
Building Carbon Neutral Libraries!
Green Bunk is Book Bunk’s mitigation response to the effects of Climate Change. Through this programmatic strand, we seek to deliver a series of interventions for the communal benefit of library users and Nairobi residents at large. This programme sits within our larger goal to convert these crucial public spaces into inclusive ones that nurture the pursuit of knowledge and are carbon neutral by 2027!

Environmental conservation in Kenya is still for the most part viewed as the preserve of activists and conservationists. This programme attempts to address this dichotomy through eco-education programmes and initiatives including waste reduction hacks, resource conservation and recycling tips to demonstrate how practising sustainability can lead to reduced household expenditure.
Current initiatives of this programme include;
- The installation & maintenance of community gardens in each of the library spaces and, through partnerships, the broad utilisation of these spaces to pilot practices that users can implement in their homesteads as well as generate income from.
- The installation of solar panels and solar batteries at the library through a partnership with Davis & Shirtliff. Through this installation and partnership, these libraries will now be much more energy efficient, ultimately feeding into our carbon neutral goals.
- We’ve also partnered with Takataka Solutions and installed waste collection points at Kaloleni Library. Through this collection point, the communities around the library can safely drop off their waste for recycling or disposal. We are also organising a series of community training activities for the little ones and teens as part of our goal of nurturing a crop of eco-warriors who are climate conscious.